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How to use Scrible to Support Socratic Seminars

Students can use Scrible to organize pre-seminar research and annotate texts with insightful questions and comments. This activity enhances participation, ensuring a richer, more informed discussion.

Objective: Students will use Scrible to conduct pre-seminar research and annotate texts with insightful questions and comments to enhance their participation and contribute to a more informed and dynamic Socratic seminar discussion.

Learning Outcome: Students will be able to effectively engage in Socratic seminars, using their annotations to drive deep, meaningful discussions, and will develop critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to articulate their ideas clearly and respond thoughtfully to others.

Step 1 - Research

Rationale: Conduct pre-seminar research and annotate relevant texts in Scrible primes students for deep engagement in the seminar. By annotating questions and insights, they prepare themselves with specific points to discuss and activate their critical thinking and analytical skills. This preparation ensures they are ready to engage substantively, fostering a seminar environment where students dive beyond surface-level discussion.


Step 2 - Annotation

Rationale: Annotating texts with questions and comments for seminar discussion deepens the preparatory work, moving from initial reactions and questions to more thoughtful, discussion-provoking commentary. By formulating questions and comments that encourage exploration, students contribute to creating a dynamic, interactive seminar. This approach promotes a collaborative learning atmosphere where students learn from each other's perspectives and insights.


Step 3 - Discussion

Rationale: Using annotated questions and comments actively in a seminar discussion culminates the students' preparatory work, where they apply their critical thinking and communication skills. Using their annotations as discussion points, students ensure that the conversation is anchored in the text while being expansive and exploratory. This practice enhances their ability to articulate ideas clearly, listen to and consider others' perspectives, and engage in meaningful dialogue.


Step 4 - Reflection

Rationale: Incorporating a post-seminar reflection on the discussion is a critical learning component, allowing students to consolidate and articulate their understanding and experiences. By reflecting on how their annotations influenced the discussion and learning, students develop metacognitive skills, becoming more aware of their thought processes and learning strategies. This reflective practice encourages students to intentionally engage and learn, fostering continuous improvement and deeper understanding.


Standards Alignment:

*If your school or district references standards other than Common Core for writing, please reach out, and our team can provide the Scrible standard alignment for your set of standards.