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Can I share a permalink of my annotations?

Sharing your annotated sources or specific annotations is straightforward with Scrible's Permalink Tool. This feature allows recipients to view the source exactly as you've annotated it. Here’s how you can share these valuable insights:

Sharing a Source with the Permalink Tool:

  1. Initiate Sharing: In your Scrible toolbar, click the share icon  to start.
  2. Select Permalink Option: Choose from the options that appear to generate a link to your annotated source.

Note: Need help moving the toolbar & sidebar? Check out The Guide to the Scrible Extension Toolbar and Sidebar.

Copy the Permalink

The Share Permalink dialog box will pop up. You have two options:

  1. To copy just the URL, click on the copy icon.
  2. To copy both the title and the URL, click the ‘copy’ button.

Paste and Share: The permalink is now copied to your clipboard, ready to be shared wherever needed.

Sharing a Specific Annotation with the Permalink Tool:

  1. Select Your Annotation: Click on any text you've highlighted or commented on.
  2. Generate the Permalink: When the context menu appears, click the Permalink icon to open the Share Annotation Permalink box.

Get ready to Share

With the permalink copied, you can paste it into emails, documents, or anywhere you’d like to share your annotated work.

Just as before, you can 

Remember, the Permalink Tool is a powerful way to share the depth of your research or feedback directly through your annotations. It ensures your collaborators or students can see the exact context of your notes or highlights.

Need More Help?

If you have any questions or need further assistance with the Permalink Tool or any other features, we're always here to help. Thank you for using Scrible, and happy sharing!