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Creating an Assignment and Attaching a Google Drive Template

In Scrible’s new interface, assignments are set up through various tabs that appear once an assignment is created. Here's how to create an assignment, attach a Google Drive document as a template, and configure other options.

Step 1: Access the Assignments Tab

  1. Navigate to the Assignments tab on the main dashboard.

  2. If you don't see the assignment list, toggle the view using the hamburger icon (three lines) or the list icon to reveal the Assignments List on the left side of the screen.

  3. In the Assignments List, click the teal New Assignment button. You will be taken to the assignment creation interface, starting with the Basics tab.

Step 2: Set Up the Assignment Basics

  1. In the Basics tab, fill out the following details:
    • Assignment Title: Enter the title of your assignment.
    • Description: Provide instructions or a brief overview of the assignment.
    • Due Date: Set the due date and time for the assignment.
    • Close Date: Optionally, set a close date to finalize when submissions are no longer accepted.

Step 3: Configure Distribution Options

  1. Move to the Distribution tab.
  2. Under Work Type, select one of the following:
    • Individual: For individual student work.
    • Group: For group assignments.
  3. Under Distribution Method, choose one option:
    • Students in a Class/Section: Assign to specific students from your classes.
    • Using a URL/Code: Provide a link or code for assignment access.
  4. If you selected Students in a Class/Section, choose the appropriate Class/Section from the dropdown.

Step 4: Set Assignment Requirements

  1. Click on the Requirements tab, which opens up additional sub-tabs:

    • Sources
    • Annotations
    • Bibliography
    • Outline
    • Papers
  2. Under the Papers sub-tab, enable the paper feature by checking the option.

  3. Click the New Paper button to add a Google Drive document as a template.

Step 5: Attach a Google Drive Template

  1. In the dialog box that appears, select Choose file from Google Drive and click Continue.

    Note: If you haven’t authorized Google Drive yet, a prompt asking you to authorize the integration will appear. Head to the Connected Apps page in your account settings to authorize Google Drive. After authorization, sign out and sign back into your Scrible account.

  2. A popup window will briefly open and close automatically. Then, select either a blank document or an existing Google Drive document you want to use as a template and click Select.

  3. Scrible will create a copy of the document, and a "Working" message will appear.

  4. The selected template will now appear under the Papers tab.

  5. Set the Word Count Requirement (if any) for the paper. If there’s no specific word count, you can set this to 0 while still being able to track word count progress for students.

Step 6: Add Co-Instructor (Optional)

  1. Go to the Co-Teaching tab to add another instructor or co-teacher.
  2. Click Add Co-Instructor and select a colleague to collaborate on this assignment.

Additional Notes

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