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Choosing the due date and the close date for an assignment

This article refers to the newer version of Scrible Assignments released in fall 2021. 

Due Date

The due date is the date the assignment is due. The instructor chooses the day and time each student needs to have their assignment completed and submitted. 

Close Date

The close time and date is the time after which no changes can be made to the assignment. This allows a margin for late submissions or, if allowed, for students to receive feedback and make updates to their work. 

Once the close date passes, all student work is locked, whether submitted or not. If the close date passes and the students need additional time to work, the educator must edit the close date to a date and time in the future. Students will then regain their ability to make changes to their work.

The close date is not shown to students. 

Scrible allows students to submit and un-submit their assignments any time before the close date. We record a history of when the work is submitted and un-submitted which the educator can view.  

Setting the Due Date and Close Date for Assignments

Under the Assignments tab, select the Basics tab on the draft of an assignment.

Select the calendar icon to choose the day and time for both the Due Date and the Close Date

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