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Get to Know the Scrible Library

Scrible's Library is at the heart of your research and organization process, designed to make managing your online sources as intuitive and efficient as possible. As a free user, you have access to the default "My Library," where you can begin organizing your research right away. However, for those looking to expand their research capabilities, Scrible offers additional library options, including Additional Personal Libraries, Class Libraries, and Assignment Libraries. These enhanced features facilitate a more comprehensive organization of your projects and collaborations, tailored to suit individual or academic needs. To explore these advanced features and consider upgrading your plan for a richer research experience, visit our Plans page. Unlock the full potential of your research with Scrible's expanded library functions.

Where to Find Your Scrible Library

When you save a source online, it finds a home in My Library. Each library you've created or have access to is neatly organized in the library sidebar on the left. Here, you can navigate between different libraries, such as those dedicated to specific topics or projects.

Editing Sources in Your Library

Hovering over a source in your library reveals a context menu to the right, offering various actions:

Information: Edit details of the source.
Citation: Modify citation information or add comments for an annotated bibliography.

Lock: Indicates if the library is read-only. This icon will be grayed out in such cases.
Open Source: Open the source in a new toolbar/sidebar view for closer examination.
Tags: Add or edit tags for better organization.
Trash: Remove the source from your library.
Browse Annotations: View, share, and edit annotations linked to this source.

Scrible's Library offers a great way to organize your online sources, whether you're a free user or looking to upgrade to access additional library options. With the ability to customize libraries to your needs, you can stay organized and focused on your research projects. So, if you're looking for an efficient and user-friendly way to manage your research, be sure to check out Scrible's library features today.

Happy Scribling!

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