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How do I create a Scrible account?

From, select the sign up free button

When the sign-up page opens, enter the correct information for this account and click the next button

In the text box on the next page, if prompted, briefly share how you plan to use Scrible, then click the next button

Determine your preferred method for signing in to Scrible. 

If your Scrible account is tied to an organization, use the sign-in associated with your organization. 

For example, choose the Google or Office 365 button to sign up using your organization-provided email account, or select the Clever button to sign up with your Clever account. 

Sign in with the same option each time.

Complete the final form and select next

This Scrible account and library are ready to go. The Scrible browser extension is needed to save sources to the library, 

Click here to install the Scrible browser extension, which is compatible with most browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. 

More Information:

To edit account settings, click here

Step-by-step instructions to update the student/educator settings