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What expanded citation styles does Scrible support?

At Scrible, we believe that our best innovations stem from actively listening to you. Over time, we've received feedback on the need for a broader citation spectrum to match the varied research sources our users encounter. Today, we are thrilled to announce our expanded range of citation styles! Here’s what's new:

Databases: Articles, charts, infographics, and illustrations from databases are now a breeze with styles like Article/Database, Chart, Table, Infographic/Database, and Illustration/Database.

The Web: Cite everything from blogs to tweets, government documents, and online interviews with new additions like Blog/Web, Encyclopedia Entry/Web, and Tweet/Web.

Print: For the print aficionados, examine styles for books, chapters, dictionaries, and encyclopedia entries – think Book/Print, Chapter of Book, and Encyclopedia Entry/Print.

Non-Print Media: For the visually driven researcher, from movies to art – we present styles such as Film/Movie/Television, Photo/Database, and Video Clip/Web.

Unique Needs: For those rare and unique sources, from conference proceedings to dissertations – we've got styles like Conference Proceeding/Database, Dissertation/Thesis/Database, and even a Manual Entry.

💡 Pro Tip: Always verify you use the proper citation style for your source type. Our newly expanded library of styles makes this even more accessible, ensuring precision every time.

As mentioned, your feedback drives our evolution. And while we've made these significant enhancements to our citation library, we aren't stopping here. We're always here to assist, answer questions, and, most importantly, listen. 

Have a suggestion or feature request? Share it with us. Who knows, maybe Scrible's next big improvement will come because of you!